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Village of
Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?If you wish to burn leaves or grass in your yard, you must contact the Fire Chief to get a permit for a one-day burn. If you like to have recreational campfires, you need to request an annual recreational permit for a fee of $10. All permit fees will be used for park improvements. Only firewood or small sticks can be burned in fire pits. There is no burning of manufactured lumber, brush, building materials or trash of any kind. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required for all types of burning permits. Permit Contacts: Bob Rueckheim, Fire Chief 608-498-8902 Melody Brueggeman, Clerk 608-486-4037 Cheryl Brumbly, Deputy Clerk 608-486-4037 The clerk and deputy clerk can issue recreational renewals only.
Where do I register my dog/cat?All dogs and cats that reside in the Village of Rockland must be vaccinated against rabies and licensed by 5 months of age annually. A pet license needs to be purchased by March 31st to avoid a late fee and citation. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required to license your cat or dog. The fee to license your pet is $23 for an unaltered pet and $12 for an altered pet. Licensing can be done through mail (please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope so we can send your license) or Village Hall drop box. For questions contact the clerk’s office during business hours: 608-486-4037.
Where do I pay my property taxes?The first half is paid to the Village Treasurer by January 31st. Drop in the drop box on the Village Hall Door, mail to P.O. Box 124 Rockland, WI 54653 or stop in the Village Hall office during business hours. The second half is paid to the County Treasurer by July 31st located at: La Crosse County Administration Center 212 6th St North Room 1900 La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: (608) 785-9711 Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Weekdays
Where do I register to vote?If you live within the Village of Rockland you can register to vote at, or you can also register at the Village Hall. If you have any questions, please call 608-486-4037.
How do I rent a park shelter?Please click on the "Parks" tab to view information about renting park shelters.
When are village-wide rummage sales?The village does not organize or regulate village wide rummage sales. Residents are able to choose whether they are participating or not. The first Saturday in May is the date that has been designated as village wide sales for many years. Some people choose to begin sales on Friday.
Where can I take leaves and brush?There is a place for leaves and brush located near the sewer plant off of Highway J. Going north on County J from Rockland there is a gravel driveway with a gate south of the boat landing. If the gate is closed during normal business hours, please contact Keegan at 608-461-0990 for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
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